Ways to Organize Your Kitchen Pantry
You can never have too much storage, and that goes for the kitchen, as well. Even if you don’t do a lot of fancy baking and cooking, you want to keep everything reachable and easy to find. The homes in Quinton VA that LifeStyle Home Builders design feature outstanding kitchens with plenty of storage in cabinets and the wonderful islands. Plus, many of their home designs feature equally spacious pantries. To keep your pantry organized and useful here are some tips to make the most of it.
With all of that storage space, it can almost seem overwhelming, deciding where and how to store everything. You may want to think about how you cook and what you do most often. For example, if you only bake during the holidays, all of your baking supplies, including pans and tins can be stored in your pantry, perhaps on a higher shelf out of the way. On the other hand, if there are items that you use daily, such as dried herbs and spices, baby foods, and other items that can be stored without taking up much space, keep them closer at hand in your kitchen cabinets.
Ideally, use your pantry for storage of larger or bulk items. You may also want to store items together that you use together, so you can easily grab everything you need. Alternatively, you could choose to group similar items together, such as cereals, pastas, snacks, grains, etc. Find a system that works best for you.
One way to make your life easier is to keep a small basket or even a small wheeled cart inside your pantry. Keep it empty and use it to gather all of your needed items together to carry into the kitchen. This way you’re less likely to be making multiple trips or juggling lots of items at once. It’s like going shopping for all the ingredients you’ll need for the meal. You can even use it to gather the items you’ll need that you store in the fridge or in other cabinets in the kitchen.
To help keep your pantry organized, clean, and easy to restock, it helps to have special containers for items. Clear containers are the best because you can see at a glance if you need to repurchase. You can also see at a glance what everything is, without having to take items off the shelves. Of course, you can also feel free to label containers, especially when the items may look similar. Cereal, flour, sugar, coffee, grains, pasta, even pet treats, candy, and potato chips are perfect items for storing in resealable containers. It keeps everything fresher, keeps out potential pests, and you’re less likely have messy spills.
The pantries that you’ll find in the homes in Quinton VA, such as the Sutherland, Windemere, and Riverton home designs from LifeStyle Home Builders, offer plenty of pantry storage space. Still, you can always add more if you want, by adding back-of-the-door storage, which is great for items like plastic wrap, aluminum foil, freezer bags, and similar light items. Another option for the doors is simply to have fun with them, using chalkboard paint to make keeping shopping lists easy and to share fun notes with the family. Thanks to all of the space, cooking just got a little easier!
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