Fun Walking Games to Play With Kids
If you’re looking at homes in Providence Forge VA, look no further than Brickshire community. Full of fantastic amenities, ranging from a clubhouse to tennis courts, there’s no shortage of on-site activities to keep you active, entertained, and give you a way to connect with your fellow neighbors. Among the many popular pastimes are the miles of trails available for biking, hiking, or simply walking. If you’re trying to get your kids to be more active and put down the video game remotes, here are some fun games to play that will make the distances melt away.
I Spy is a classic for a reason; it can be used in so many situations, including on walks or hikes. You could always choose someone’s first initial and have them find items that also start with that letter, or have them stick with only natural items.
As an educational variation on I Spy, you could teach them certain plants, trees, and birds they’re likely to see along the walk, then encourage them to recognize them in the wild. The one to recognize the most items or the one who gets something in each category wins.
For some fun word-play along the way, create a poem-on-the-go game. Start off with a simple line with a final word that’s easy to rhyme, and encourage each child to add to the poem, even if it gets sillier and sillier. After all, that’s half the fun. Let them channel their inner Dr. Seuss! A simpler word game is a spelling bee inspired by the nature around you.
Not everything has to be educational, of course. Rather than just walking, you and your kids can do interval training, but rather than running for a minute, you could all skip, hop, walk backwards, or walk sideways for a minute.
Similarly, take turns adding a movement, sound, or silly walk, creating an ongoing pattern that has to be repeated. For example, one person starts by swinging their arms in a circle, the next makes an owl hoot noise, and the third adds a hop. You then continue adding elements, while keeping the initial ones going.
Think about the kinds of games your kids enjoy, whether it’s word games or physical games, and try to find a way to incorporate some of them into your walks. The time will fly by and everyone will get some extra activity and maybe even learn something along the way.
There are only two LifeStyle Home Builder homes currently under construction at Brickshire community, so if you want to purchase one of the homes in Providence Forge VA where you get beautiful homes and an outstanding community, don’t hesitate. Contact us today to learn more about this welcoming community.
Tags: homes in providence forge, providence forge va homes