How to Sell Stuff Before a Move
While there’s every chance that you’re moving into one of the larger homes in Chesterfield VA, that doesn’t mean that you want to keep everything in your current house when you move. Some items are just worn out and others have lost their appeal. Donate what you can, but you’ll find that you can sell quite a bit before your move, and that extra money can go to new furnishings or help with the cost of moving. But where to start?
Before putting anything up on one of the many websites, make sure you have quality photos and a full description. Attractive, well-lit photos with different angles and a clean and neat background makes your items more eye-catching. If possible, find a photo online of the original item if it’s still available so buyers can compare the quality. It’s also vital to provide as much detail as possible in the listing info, including sizes/dimensions, general price, and whether it needs to be picked up or you’ll deliver. You should also say how long you’ve had it, the quality of the item now, and if it comes from a home with pets or a smoker. Listings with bad photos and no information get quickly passed over.
List your items on a few online selling sites such as Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp. Craigslist is an option, but it’s often not as reliable, though it can be good for free items you just want to get rid of easily. Offline, consider second-hand stores and consignment stores. If you’re getting rid of a lot of furniture and other items, you may want to consider an estate sale, or at least a yard/garage sale once you’re mostly packed and know what you want to sell.
Timing matters as well. Garage sales are obviously best on weekends, but when it comes to listing items online, it’s a good idea to put them up on Friday afternoon, as more people are likely to look for items over the weekend. In addition, it’s a good idea to plan ahead and list items on the first and 15th of the month, which typically lines up with when people get paid. They’re more likely to buy after just getting paid than toward the end of the month or pay period. You’re likely to see an increase in interest during these bountiful periods.
Finally, consider bundling items. Children’s toys, Christmas decorations, books, linens and other items can be sold as one item, often with a higher price than you would get selling them individually. Obviously, try to group similar items together for the most appeal.
If you follow these tips and try to get a head start, you’ll have more time and be more likely to sell anything you want to get rid of and get a decent price in return. That will leave you with fewer items to pack and increase the money you have for the big move or to help you furnish one of the new homes in Chesterfield VA. Take a look at our homes and start thinking about how your furnishing will fit and where you want to start fresh!
Tags: homes for sale chesterfield va, new homes chesterfield va, VA new home